Helping Children Love Reading Through Book Fairs

Helping Children Love Reading Through Book Fairs

FAQs About Remote Summer Programs

Lenny Bernard

Did the cyber school year leave your child needing more? If your family still isn't ready to rush back into the classroom, take a look at what you need to know about remote summer programs.

What Does Remote Learning Look Like in the Summer?

The answer to this question depends on the school or program. Some schools conduct summer learning in the same way they do during the traditional academic year, while others create a different type of remote educational environment. A remote summer-time learning program may include:

  • Full-time instruction. Some summer school sessions require students to log-on Monday through Friday for full days. This type of longer instructional time provides students who need extra assistance with the help they need to get back on track over the summer months.
  • Part-time instruction. If your child doesn't need an intensive summer enrichment experience, has other camps/programs to attend, or you're looking for something less formal than what your student would experience during the school year, a part-time or part-day program is ideal.
  • A hybrid model. With an increasing trend towards in-person instruction, some schools now have a hybrid model. This includes partial remote and partial at-school education. If your child needs to slowly transition back into an in-person school model, this type of program can help.

Talk to the school's staff or the program coordinator about which options they offer. If your family has several choices to select from, the educators can help you to pick the one that works best for your child's instructional and learning needs.

How Should You Set Up the Summer At-Home Learning Environment?

Do you already have an at-home schoolroom? Whether you have an existing cyber school setup or not, you may need to make changes for your summer-time homeschooling student. To help your child learn through a remote program over the summer months:

  • Think about window space. A view of the outdoors can calm and focus your child. But if that view includes the neighbor's busy pool or kids playing on the street, your child may resist their required classes. Avoid this type of issue and choose a room that doesn't look out over or onto distracting activities.
  • Consider an outdoor classroom. If the backyard is a tranquil, distraction-free zone, set up a classroom in nature. This is an ideal option if your child is enrolled in a remote science program or takes science classes.
  • Pay attention to the temperature. A hot school room makes learning a challenge. Select a space that you can easily cool—or at least keep at a comfortable temperature.

Do you have other children? Along with the at-home cyber classroom setup, you also need to plan a way to keep the house quiet during school-time hours. This may include planning outdoor or out-of-the-house activities, enrolling your other children in another program, or hiring a babysitter.


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Helping Children Love Reading Through Book Fairs

Over the last 15 years, my favorite part about being an elementary teacher was seeing children light up when reading a favorite book. I always enjoy teaching children to read, comprehend, and fall in love with classic or modern stories. Because I feel that reading is so important, I always put a big emphasis on the annual book fair at our school. It's basically a holiday in my classroom, and we celebrate it with excitement and anticipation! I have taught my students how to treat books nicely and read the first couple of pages to see if they like the book. I started this website to share education ideas for elementary students, including my book fair celebration tips. Read my website to learn more about the wonderful world of teaching.
